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How We Organized an Event for Shopping Mall Visitors: Visitor Engagement and Quality Content for Social Media

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  • How We Organized an Event for Shopping Mall Visitors: Visitor Engagement and Quality Content for Social Media

Organizing an event in a shopping mall isn’t just about fun – the key lies in creating an experience that captures visitors’ attention and provides an opportunity to generate attractive content for social media. At the BIG Shopping Center, we decided to combine both goals through the fun Whisper Challenge game. Here’s how we achieved great results, with plenty of laughter and excellent digital content.

1. The Idea Behind the Event – Interactivity and Fun

    Our main goal was to create an event that would be fun for all visitors, regardless of age. Whisper Challenge proved to be the perfect choice – the game is simple, requires no special preparations, and guarantees plenty of laughter and interaction among participants. Along with fun, we also achieved our main goals – visitor engagement and content generation for social media.

    2. How Did We Engage Visitors?

    We set up a simple area in the shopping center, and our hosts invited passersby to join the game. Music contributed to a relaxed atmosphere, and anyone could join whenever they wanted. The game was quick and fun, motivating many visitors to participate and try to guess the words while listening to loud music through headphones. Winners received cute prizes, and all participants went home with fond memories, which further boosted their motivation to join in.

    3. Gathering Content for Social Media

    While visitors were having fun, our photographers and videographers captured every interesting moment. Before taking any photos, we kindly asked all participants for their consent to use their images on our social media. In this way, we respected visitors’ privacy while ensuring that the content we created was authentic. Photos and short video clips captured the essence of the atmosphere – laughter, excitement, and togetherness. These moments were later used for social media posts, where we continued to spread the fun and engage a broader audience.

    4. Audience Reactions and Impact on Social Media

    The posts from the event garnered a large number of reactions and comments, showing that visitors enjoyed the game and were eager to revisit our profiles to relive those moments. Each post was carefully crafted to showcase the most entertaining moments and invite the audience to follow future events. The feedback was excellent, and the high level of engagement on social media confirmed that we had achieved a double success – we satisfied shopping mall visitors and created quality digital content.

    Conclusion – Combining Fun and Digital Content

    The Whisper Challenge event at BIG showed that a successful event doesn’t end on-site. Through a combination of visitor engagement and carefully crafted social media content, we achieved a lasting impact and connected with the audience both offline and online. This approach allows us to make every future experience even better and attract more visitors.

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